
Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida recommendsthat you seek appropriate professional legal, tax and financial advicebefore finalizing any planned gift.

Bequests & Wills

The simplest way to make a planned gift is by naming your parish or other Episcopal ministry in your will. A bequest is a meaningful way to support our work without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime. Your attorney can include it when you prepare or revise your will or you can add a codicil at any time.

Gifting of Securities Form

To make a gift, please submit your completed Gifting of Securities Form at least 72 hours prior to contacting your stock broker.

IRA Charitable Rollover Gift Form

The IRA Charitable Rollover provision of the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 408(d)(8) allows individuals who have reached age 70 1⁄2 to make qualified charitable distribution, or QCD, gifts of up to $100,000 per calendar year directly from IRAs to qualified charitable organizations.

QCDs can satisfy all or part of the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution and avoid treatment of the distribution as taxable income.

Partners in Grace Online Giving

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Become Part of Our Legacy

You can help Episcopal Charities provide food, shelter, care and more to those in need in Southeast Florida.